We invest in our people because they invest in us.

Brick by brick, person by person, we’re building the best team. Adding to our strong foundation of quality projects and lasting relationships to become even better. Even stronger. Even more invested in the success of our people. And it all starts with our vision:


Recognized for our people. Our biggest investment, our employee owners are the reason we flourish, the engine that drives success year in and year out. That’s why we never stop training and learning – because developing leaders today is essential to success in the future.


Known for our values. Our four core values drive all we do; they are the cornerstone on which we were founded and the root of our prosperity. Recognizing employees who exemplify these values is a testament to the weight they still carry today.


Trusted by our partners. Quality projects, honest interactions, and a commitment to excellence have resulted in lasting relationships that drive our business. After all, earning the trust of our partners is paramount to our sustained success.

Connecting our people.

Though MMC Corp has offices nationwide, one thing connects the employees within them —the desire to constantly get better, in business and as an organization. Career development and building the best team from within are keys to our success, and we have zeroed in on ways to strengthen our people by coming together as a unified team.

Investing in our people means helping them grow — both in knowledge and career opportunities — and training the future leaders who will take this company to the next level. One way we do this is through our annual conferences, industry events/connections, service summits, Best Practice Groups, intern program, and a variety of trainings. The connection not only provides our people an opportunity for professional development, but it also provides a chance to build a better bond between offices.

  • Skyline Hills Branch Library
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  • Fort Leonard Wood
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  • Liberty Waste Water Treatment Plant
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Safety Culture

Keeping our team safe.

Safety isn’t just another part of the project; it’s a state of mind that every person goes home the same way they came to work — every. single. day.

Holding Experience Modification Ratings (EMR) well below the industry average and slashing our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) by over 50% in 2016, our commitment to safety proves that it’s about more than just the numbers, it’s about our people. Because they are our family, and building a safety mindset comes above everything else.
